iobit start menu
IObitStartMenu8是一个易于使用的程序,返回Windows10的开始菜单熟悉的Windows7风格,并允许更多的自定义只需点击几下鼠标。开始菜单8给你一个选项,带回本地搜索栏 ...
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IObit StartMenu8
Start Menu 8 is specially designed for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 to bring back both the Windows 8 start button and Windows 8 Start Menu.
Start Menu 8
Start Menu 8 brings back Start Menu to Windows 8, and allows users to skip Metro start page and boot to Windows 8 desktop directly.
Start Menu 8 User Manual
To make Start Menu 8 work as you expect, you can configure the update method, displayed programs, Power button, frequently used programs, function hotkeys etc.
IObit Start Menu 8 是特別為Windows 8 而設計的軟體。它可以幫我們在傳統介面中,加入「開始」按鈕,讓我們的Windows 8 也能擁有大家習慣的開始選單。